My New Year Resolutions by a Daddy Blogger
/So Christmas and the year 2017 are officially over and it's time to embrace 2018. Apparently, according to Astrologers, if you are Pisces (like me) finally after the last 7 years we are now having a positive planet change in our sign and this year should be our year of success! There is no better way to start a new year than with some fresh resolutions. So this post is all about my goals and dreams for 2018.
I finally know what I want to do with my life.
I am 43, and in February I will be 44 so it is time to know what to do in my life. December has been a very busy month for me (work wise) and honestly I am still feeling the exhaustion, that’s why I had time to think about what I want to do with my life professionally. In 2018 I want to be a full time blogger and Youtuber. I already earn money with my blog and Youtube channel but this year I want achieve big and be able to make a living from my passion and ultimately the goal is to leave my job and dedicating all my time to this blog and my Youtube channel. I am going to work very hard but that’s my goal and hopefully by August I should be able to see some important results. It is never too late to figure out what to do in life, but when I was in my 20’s and 30’s I had important responsibilities and managed teams of a lot of people. I used to work 6 days a week and probably 45-50 hours a week. I am not interested in that type of work anymore, and now it is really clear: I want to be a full time blogger/Youtuber and 2018 will be the year!
Buying a car
We are a large family and we need a 7 seater car but the one we currently have (a Vauxhall Zafira) is not really fit for purpose. Those types of 7 seater cars are not great for travelling because as soon as you put the back seats up….you are left with virtually no boot or space in the car! So in 2018… is time to get another family car!
Spending more time visiting the amazing cities in the UK
I love the UK and I really love the city vibes in the country. I live in the vibrant city of Bristol but it can sometimes feel a bit too small so I want to explore more! Last year we had a great weekend in Birmingham (the city centre and especially Bull Ring shopping centre is amazing). In December 2016 we went to Liverpool and again we were really impressed. And last year in February, me and my wife spent the day in the amazing city of London. So this year I really want to go out more and visit more cities. I want to go back to London and Birmingham and this year Leeds and Manchester are on the list.
Losing 8 Kilos
2018 is the year I want to reach my ideal weight. I want to be around 80-81 kilos which means I need to lose around 8 kilos. In the year of my 44 years I want to look better than ever, and being slimmer is an important step. I suffer a lot from heartburn and when I lose weight my heartburn disappears and my cholesterol levels go down. So in 2018 this will be my year, and I will keep you informed about my weight level. If you are following any diet that worked well for you, please let me know in the comments below.
More Apple in my life
Back in December I decided to upgrade my iPhone 6S Plus and got a Samsung Galaxy S8+. I sent it back a week later (I am doing a Youtube video about it). I realised that even if Android is better than ever it still lags behind Apple ( I know a lot of people might disagree about it, so I invite you to subscribe to my Youtube Channel and wait for the video within a week). So I got myself the iPhone 8 Plus which in my opinion is a very underrated phone because it is super fast, with an amazing battery life and incredible camera. It is time to get full Apple and this year I want to sell my excellent Acer Chromebook R13 and get an Apple computer (iMac probably).
Better Dad and Husband
Being a dad is not easy task and when you have 4 very young children ( 9 years old, twins 7 years old and the last one 2 years old) it is exhausting. But I want to spend more time with them, taking them to more places, and enjoying even more time all together as a family and all of this is directly linked to my first resolution. I know that becoming a full time blogger/ youtuber I will have more possibilities to be a great dad. And what about being a better husband? Well that’s part of New Year Resolution too. I want to spend more quality time with my beautiful wife and being a better husband!
Well that’s a lot of resolutions but I am very excited and 2018 will be the year of Jerome. The problem is that since Christmas I have the Flu and I am feeling poorly and exhausted, so my plans are a little bit delayed. But I should be fine very soon and bring it on 2018...I am already excited!
Me and my daughter Scarlett. December 2017
What are your resolutions for 2018? Do you want to make some big changes to your life? LEt me know on the comments bellow.