Life at 50 for Men in 2024 A Guide for Men on Health, Family, Sex and Life

men at 50 in 2024

Embracing the Golden Years: Life as a 50-Year-Old Man in 2024

Turning 50 is a significant milestone, and as I celebrated my 50th birthday this past February, I couldn't help but reflect on the journey so far. With four children still living at home and a loving spouse by my side, life is as bustling and fulfilling as ever. To mark this big occasion, we decided to celebrate in the picturesque city of Bruges, Belgium. We had a lovely time exploring this beautiful city, soaking in its charm and history. But what does it mean to be a 50-year-old man in 2024? Let’s delve into this modern era of aging with grace, vigor, and a touch of wisdom.

The New 50: Redefining Age

Gone are the days when 50 was considered old. Today, 50 is often touted as the new 40, or even 30. Thanks to advancements in healthcare, technology, and lifestyle choices, men in their 50s are living healthier, more active lives than ever before. This shift in perception allows us to redefine what it means to age, embracing the opportunities and experiences that come our way.

Health and Sex: Staying Active and Happy

Maintaining physical health is crucial as we age. Personally, I’ve never been a gym addict, but I realize that now, being 50, it’s more important than ever to take care of my body. My daily routine includes lighter meals, longer walks, and some abs exercises at home. This simple yet effective regimen keeps me energized and focused. Staying active doesn't require intense workouts; consistency is key. Coupled with modern medical advancements, such as preventative screenings and treatments, we can better manage our health and well-being.

It's also essential to keep sexually active. During my time working at a pharmacy, I noticed many men needed Viagra due to difficulties with erections or arousal. This issue can significantly impact one's life, especially as it intersects with emotional and relational health. Although my wife is on the verge of menopause, which affects her libido, my sex drive remains high. Addressing sexual health openly is crucial as it influences many aspects of life.

Family Life: Balancing Responsibilities and Joys

Raising four children while navigating my 50s presents both challenges and joys. There are generally two types of men at this age: those without kids or whose kids have left home, and those like me, with children still at home. Parenting at this age comes with a different perspective; I find myself more patient and understanding. It's crucial to balance family responsibilities with personal time, ensuring that relationships remain strong.

For men without young children, life can be filled with cruises, holidays, and city breaks with their partners. However, with young children at home, our dynamic is different. We take fewer holidays and short breaks due to the cost, but the major benefit is that having young children keeps us mentally young, which is vital for overall health.

Career and Passion: Pursuing Fulfillment

Career aspirations can evolve as we age. I've been busy since I was 19, working hard in the hotel industry around the Mediterranean, reaching high responsibilities at the corporate level. Recently, I worked in a community pharmacy, undertaking a challenging training course and passing my exams at 50. However, I decided that a 9-6 job no longer suited me and dedicated myself full-time to my passion for blogging. This blog is now 10 years old, and it's been a fulfilling journey.

At 50, men can change their careers if they're unhappy and can even learn new skills, just as I did with the pharmacy. It's never too late to explore new interests or redefine career goals. The key is to find fulfillment and balance in what you do. Whether you're starting a new venture or continuing in your current path, it's essential to stay motivated and inspired.

Fashion and Style: Looking Sharp at Any Age

Fashion and style are ageless. As men in our 50s, we can still look sharp and trendy. I've discovered that a minimalist, timeless style suits me best – almost no more shirts or ties, but more t-shirts in navy, black, beige, and white, paired with chinos. This style suits almost every man over 50. Don't forget the importance of skincare and grooming – looking good often translates to feeling good. My commitment to skincare has kept my skin looking great, aided by the fact that I never smoked and drink wine only occasionally.

Embracing Technology: Staying Connected and Informed

Technology has dramatically changed how we live. Staying tech-savvy helps us stay connected with loved ones, informed about the world, and even healthier. From fitness trackers to smart home devices, embracing technology enhances our quality of life. I watch a lot of YouTube videos, read extensively, and keep up with all the latest gadgets and trends. This is crucial because the tech world evolves rapidly.

Reflections and Future Aspirations

Looking back over the past 50 years, I realize how much I've learned and grown. But the journey doesn't stop here. I have future goals and aspirations that keep me moving forward. One thing that's clear to me is that I think more often about death. I never thought about this before, but now I know I've probably lived more than I have left, and that scares me. I want to spend as much time with my kids and wife as possible, which is another reason I quit my job to become a full-time blogger.

It's essential to continue growing, adapting, and embracing life with enthusiasm. For those of you in your 50s or approaching it, remember – age is just a number, and it's never too late to pursue your dreams.


Turning 50 is not an end but a new beginning. Embrace this stage of life with positivity, vigor, and the wisdom gained from years of experience. As men in our 50s, we have a unique perspective on life, balancing health, family responsibilities, and career aspirations. It’s a time to reflect on the past, enjoy the present, and look forward to the future with optimism.

I encourage you to share your own experiences and thoughts about being 50 in 2024. How have you navigated the challenges and embraced the opportunities? What changes have you made to your health, family life, or career? Your stories and insights can inspire and support others in our community who are on the same journey. Let's connect, learn from each other, and celebrate this vibrant stage of life together. Cheers to the golden years ahead!
